Sunday, October 2, 2016

Life in Romania: A New Transition

I made it. After months of training, preparing, developing partnerships, and just plain waiting, I made it to Draganeşti-Olt, Romania.

As I said my goodbyes and packed my bags, God overwhelmed me with peace. It was not easy leaving the many people I loved, but I was ready for the next step. My time in the States was precious and necessary, but it had been a long transition season; a time of not really knowing how I was supposed to fit in for such a short time. My heart was in Romania and I was looking forward to starting my new life there.

So now the next season has begun but to be honest, I have not been prepared for what it holds. I have been struggling and I realized today that my expectations, while unspoken, were not in line with reality. I thought I was leaving my long transition season to finally feel at home and where I belong. But the truth is, I have entered a new transition season – just on the other side of the ocean.

Let me be clear. I still love Romania and the people here. I love Hope Church and what it stands for. I still know in my heart this is where I am supposed to be.

But it takes time to integrate and learn the language. It takes time to make a place home and find exactly where you belong. This time is just another transition. AND IT IS OK. God did not promise me instant purpose and belonging. God did not promise me speedy language skills. There was no promise this would be easy.

But God does promise that He is with me. He is enough. I have to daily choose to be dependent on Him for my purpose and belonging. I have to live according to His timing, not my own. I have to trust in His plan for my life, even if I cannot see the end result. God is always faithful and good.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

[Joshua 1:9]


  1. Praying for you during this transition time. Hopefully you will be settled soon.
    Rebecca Kleveland

  2. Love You and know that you will fit in with time. Will keep you in my prayers.

  3. Hang in there; God's with you. Transition is always harder than we want it to be. I love you and pray for you unceasingly.

    Love, Mom
